Training the Trainer Resource Pack
Created by Margaret Crockett and Janet Foster
The Training the Trainer resource pack is intended for anyone who wants some guidance or direction in planning, organising and delivering effective training for both professionals and support staff whatever their working or learning environment. The bulk of the pack addresses the various techniques for delivering training but it also covers the practical administrative tasks that are essential for successful training courses and which underpin the training content. The Training the Trainer project was part of the ICA Section for Archival Education and Training’s Medium Term Plan for 2000-2004, when the peer review draft came out. Peer comment was incorporated and the pack was completed in December 2005. The authors, Margaret Crockett and Janet Foster, are Co-Directors of the Archive-Skills Consultancy and based the pack on their experience of delivering both training the trainer courses and archives and records management training.
Table of Contents
Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Paket Bahan Pelatihan bagi Instruktur
English translation of the Training the Trainer Resource Pack
Traduction française de la Utilisation de l'offre de resources En matière de formation des formateurs
Deutsche Übersetzung des Ressourcenpakets "Trainerausbildung"
Português tradução de Formação do Instrutor e seus Recursos
Traducción al español de Formación del Instructor y sus Recursos hace
Arabic translation of the Training the Trainer Resource Pack
Chinese translation of the Training the Trainer Resource Pack
English-Chinese version of the Training the Trainer Resource Pack
Polish translation of the Training the Trainer Resource Pack
e-mail to Dr. Karsten Uhde, updated: 16.09.2013/P>