Publicaciones de la Sección
Con el fin de hacer que los resultados de proyectos, conferencias y simposios estén disponibles para la profesión, la Sección procura la publicación expedita de las actas para sus miembros.
Publicaciones (desde el año 2000):
- Los Caminos de los documentos de Archivo Digitales: Tópicos en Preservación Digital es una iniciativa educativa desarrollada conjuntamente por la Sección de Educación y Formación Archivística (SAE) del Consejo Internacional en Archivos (ICA) y el proyecto InterPARES.
Introducción a los módulos leer mas.
Introducción a los módulos en video (solo en inglés)
- Training the Trainer Resource Pack made by Margaret Crockett and Janet Foster, The Archives-Skills Consultancy on behalf of the ICA Section on Archival Education and Training, 2005.
The pack is also available in Bahasa Indonesian, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
- Professional development and competency standards: unravelling the contradictions and maximising opportunities a paper delivered by Marian Hoy at the 15th International Congress on Archives (ICA): Archives memory and knowledge, Vienna, Austria, 23-29 August 2004.
- Directory of Schools and Courses of Professional Training for Archivists, second edition, published by Feng Huiling and Wang Jian.2002
- What students in Archival Science Learn. A Bibliography for Teachers, second edition, revised by Masahito Ando, Feng Huiling, Irena Mamczak gadkowska, Silvia Schenkolowski-Kroll and Theo Thomassen, 2000.
Artículos (desde el año 2000):
- Marian Hoy: SAE releases online directory of archival education and training institutions, in: Flash 22 (2011), p. 19
- Marian Hoy: SAE: Doctoral candidates in archival science successfully defend their theses, in: Flash 20 (2010), p. 20-21
- Geir Magnus Walderhaug: A new president for SAE, in. Flash 17 (2009), p. 12
- Larry Eiring: SAE at the ICA Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in: Flash 16 (2008), p. 18
- Jian Wang: Asia-Pacific Conference 2004, in: Flash 4 (200 4), p. 10
- Karen Anderson: Archival edcuators join force through Regional conferences, in: Flash 4 (2004), p. 10
Reportes y Ponencias de Conferencias (desde el año 2000)
Papers of the "European Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers", Härnösand 27th-28th August 2003
Papers of the "European Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers", Marburg 24th-25th September 2001
Margaret Crockett: Account of Proceedings
Theo Thomassen, Archiefschool, the Netherlands: Modelling and Re-modelling Archival Education and Training
Jozo Ivanovic, Croatian State Archives: Archival Education and Information Management: Rivals or Allies?
Priit Pirsko, Director, Estonian National Archives: Archival Education and Training from Ground Zero: the Estonian Experience
Margaret Crockett and Janet Foster, the Archive-Skills consultancy: Training: the Art of the Possible
Nils Brübach: Electronic Records - Preparing Future Archival Professionals for New and Dynamic Tasks (PowerPoint)
Ann Pederson: The Role of Research in Academia and the Profession (PowerPoint)
Hans Scheuerkogel, Archiefschool, the Netherlands: Workshop Curriculum Development
Margaret Crockett and Janet Foster, the Archive-Skills consultancy: Workshop Teaching Tools
Ann Pederson: Workshop Research
Caroline Williams and Karen Anderson
Workshop Distance Learning, part 1 (PowerPoint)
Workshop Distance Learning, part 2 (PowerPoint)
Facilitated Discussion: a Checklist for the Future Final Thoughts from the European Conference for Archival Educators and Trainers in Marburg, September 2001
Artículos y Publicaciones anteriores:
- Papers from the 1998 Symposium in Salamenca (Spain), "Continuing education" are in Janus 1998.2 pp 116-141
- Papers of the Seventh International Symposium in Austin were published in: Janus 1997.1 pp 7-50
- Resolutions of 8th International Symposium, Beijing 1996
- Janus 1996.2 pp 37-65 contains the papers of the 1996 Symposium in Beijing on "Distance education"
- David B. Gracy II: Defying Nature or Second Nature?: Distance Education for Archival Enterprise in the United States; published 1996
- Theo Thomassen, Archiefschool, the Netherlands: Getting Your Drivers License on the Electronic Highway: Archival Education in the Age of Transnational Data Communication; published 1996
- Proceedings of the Regional Colloquium on Consequences of Political Changes in Eastern and Central Europe in Archival Education and Training (Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 1994), in ICA Studies no 7, Paris 1995, 97pp.
- Papers of the Piraeus Symposium have been published in: JANUS 1993.2 pp 95-112
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Archival Education and Training: "Archives: From On-the-job Training to University Education" (Montreal 1992), in Archivum, vol XXXIX, pp 485-532
- In connection with the Third International Symposium, UNESCO published in 1992 a RAMP Study on Manuals and Textbooks for Training in Archives Education and Records Management prepared by a Committee member Pirkko Rastas.
- Directory of Schools and Courses of Professional Training for Archivists has been published by Paule Rene-Bazin as ICA Studies no 6, Autumn 1992, 402 pp.
- Proceedings: Third International Colloquium on Archival Training, the Hague 1990: "Manuals and Textbooks on Archives", and Symposium on Archive Training in Asia and Oceania, Beijing 1991, in JANUS 1991.2 pp 10-64 & 65-110.
- The Second Colloquium of the Committee on Professional Education and Training (Milano, 1989), in: JANUS 1990.1 pp 21-
- Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Archival Education and Training (Paris, August 1988), in: ICA Studies no 4, Paris 1989, 108 pp.
e-mail to Dr. Karsten Uhde, Último cambio: 14.10.2014