More than one language / en plusieurs langues


1506.           The Council of Europe and the International Council on Archives. Draft Recommendation for a standard European Policy on Access to Archives. 1997. GB3

1507.           ERMISSE, Gérard. Les services de com­munication des archives au public. (ICA Hand­book Series, vol. 9). München [etc.], 1994. CH, P2

1508.           International Council on Archives. Archives and Genealogical Sciences. Paris, 1992. P3

1509.           TAYLOR, Hugh A. Archival Services and the Concept of the User: a RAMP Study. UNESCO, Paris, 1984. AUS1, MO, TR2

1510.           DUCHEIN, Michel. Obstacles to the Access, Use and Transfer of Infor­mation from Archives: a RAMP Study. UNESCO, Paris, 1983. AUS1, CDN5, TR2

1511.           ---- Les obstacles à l'accès, à l'utilisation et au trans­fert de l'informa­ti­on conte­nue dans les archives. Une étude RAMP. UNESCO, Paris, 1983. P4

1512.           HILDESHEI­­MER, Françoise. Guidelines for the Preparation of General Gui­des to National Archives: a RAMP Study. UNESCO, Paris, 1983. GB6

1513.           ---- Directives méthodologiques concernant la prépara­ti­on des guides généraux d'archi­ves nationales. Une éude RAMP. UNESCO, Paris, 1983. P4


English / anglais


1514.           SIMS, R. “Searcher Services”. In: British Archival Practice. Society of Archivists. Archive Administration Unit 3. (1999). GB3

1515.           National Council on Archives. Archives On-Line: The establishment of a United Kingdom Archival Network. 1998. GB3

1516.           BOND, D. and A. VAID. Archive Education Services. Best Practice Guideline 5. Society of Archivists, London, 1998. GB1

1517.           HULL, T.J. “Reference services and electronic records: the impact of changing methods of communication and access.” Reference Services Review 23:2 (1995) 79-90, 96. NL

1518.           YAKEL, Elizabeth and Laura BOST. “Understanding Administrative Use and Users in University Archives”. AA 57 (Fall 1994): 596-615. USA1

1519.           TIBBO, Helen R. “The Epic Struggle: Subject Retrieval from Databases”. AA­ 57 (Fall 1994): 310-326. USA5

1520.           CONWAY, Paul. Partners in Research; Improving Access to the Nation's Archi­ves. Archives and Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh, 1994. USA14

1521.           O'TOOLE, James M. “The Symbolic Significance of Archives”. AA 56 (1993): 234-255. USA5

1522.           HODSON, Sara S. “Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Question of Access”. AA 56/4 (1993): 690-703. USA1, USA5

1523.           GREENE, Mark A. “Moderation in Everything, Access in Nothing?”. Archival Issues 18 (1993): 31-41. USA5

1524.           PUGH, Mary Jo. Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manu­scripts. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1992. AUS1, CH, USA3, USA5, USA13, USA14

1525.           MICHELSON, Avra and Jeff ROTHENBERG. “Scholarly Communication and Informati­on Technology: Exploring the Impact of Changes in the Research Process on Archives”. AA 55/2 (Spring 1992): 236-315. GB1, USA1

1526.           MEISSNER, Dennis. “Online Archival Cataloguing and Public Ac­cess”. Archi­val Issues 17 (1992): 31-48. USA5

1527.           GORDON, Ann D. Using the Nation's Documentary Heritage. Washington, D.C.: Historical Documents Study, 1992. USA14

1528.           ORBACH, Barbara. “The View From the Researcher's Desk: Historians' Percepti­ons of Research and Repositories”. AA 54 (Winter 1991): 28-43. USA2, USA14

1529.           KOHL, Michael F. “It Happens Only Once Every Hundred Years”. AA 54 (1991): 390-397. USA5

1530.           GRIGG, Susan. “Archival Practice & the Foundations of Historical Method”. Journal of American History (June 1991): 228-239. USA1

1531.           WILSON, Ian E. “Towards a Vision of Archival Services”. Archivaria, 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 91-100. EST

1532.           ERICSON, Timothy L. “Preoccupied with our own gardens: Outreach and Archives”. Archivaria 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 114-122. EST

1533.           CRAIG, Barbara L. “What are the Clients? Who are the Products? The Future of Archival Public Survices in Perspective”. Archivaria 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 135-141. EST

1534.           COOK, Terry. “Viewing the World Upside Down: Reflections on the Theoretical Underpinnings of Archival Public Programming”.  Archivaria 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 123-134. EST

1535.           BLAIS, Gabriele and ENNS, David. “From Paper Archives to People Archives: Public Programming in the Management of Archives”. Archivaria 31 (Winter 1990-1991): 101-113. EST

1536.           PUTNAM MILLER, Page. Developing a Premier National Institution: A Report from the User Community to the National Archives. National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History, Washington D.C., 1989. USA14

1537.           MILLER, Harold L. “Will Access Restrictions Hold Up in Court? The FBI's Attempt to use the Braden Papers at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.” AA 52 (1989): 180-190. USA5

1538.           LONG, Linda J. “Question Negotiation in the Archival Setting”. AA 52 (1989): 40-50. USA5

1539.           BEARMAN, David. “User Presentation Language in Archives”. Archives and Museum Information 3/4 (Winter 1989/90): 3-7. USA1, USA14

1540.           RUTH, Janice E. “Educating the Reference Archivist”. AA (Summer 1988): 266-276. USA12, USA14

1541.           DOWLER, Lawrence. “The Role of Use in Defining Archival Practice and Principles: A Research Agenda for the Availability and Use of Records”. AA­ 51 (Winter/Spring 1988): 74-86. USA14

1542.           Association of County Archivists. Guidelines on Closure Periods. 1988. GB3

1543.           GRACY II, David B. “Is there a Future in the Use of Archives?”. Archivaria 24 (Summer 1987). CDN3, USA12

1544.           DEARSTYNE, Bruce W. “What is the Use of Archives? A Challenge for the Profession”. AA 50 (Winter 1987): 76-87. USA2, USA14

1545.           WILSTED, Thomas. “Establishing an Image: The Role of Reference Service in a New Archival Program”. Reference Services in Archives. (1986): 159-172, New York. USA13

1546.           WHALEN, Lucille, ed. Reference Services in Archives. New York, 1986. AUS1, USA14

1547.           NEUSTADT, Richard E., and Ernest R. MAY. Thinking in Time: The Uses of History For Decision Makers. New York, 1986. USA1

1548.           CONWAY, Paul. “Facts and Frameworks: An Approach to Studying the Users of Archives”. AA 49 (Fall 1986): 393-407. USA14

1549.           BRADSHER, James Gregory. “Researchers, Archivists and the Access Challenge of the FBI Records”. Midwestern Archivist II (1986): 95-110. USA5

1550.           BAUMANN, Roland M. “Administration of Access in State Archives”. AA 49 (1986): 349-369. USA5

1551.           SPEAKMAN, Mary N. “The User Talks Back”. AA 47 (1984): 164-171. USA2, USA14

1552.           MALCOLM, Janet. In the Freud Archives. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. USA14

1553.           LEVY, Sidney J. and Albert G. ROBLES. The Image of Archivists: Resource Allocators' Perceptions. Chicago: SAA, 1984. AUS1, USA13

1554.           FREEMAN, Elsie T. “In the Eye of the Beholder: Archives Administration from the User's Point of View”. AA 47/2 (Spring 1984): 111-123. USA1, USA2, USA5, USA14

1555.           PURDY, Virginia. “Archivaphobia: Its Causes and Cure”. Prologue 15 (Summer 1983): 115-119. CDN5

1556.           PUGH, Mary Jo. “The Illusion of Omniscience: Subject Access and the Reference Archi­vist”. AA 45 (Winter 1982): 33-44. CDN5, GB3, USA5, USA13, USA14

1557.           UK Parliament. Modern public records: selection and access: report of a committee appointed by the Lord Chancellor/Chairman Sir Duncan Wilson; presented to Parliament by the Lord High Chancellor (March 1981). Cmnd. 8204. London: HMSO, 1981. GB1

1558.           LYTLE, Richard H. “Intellectual Access to Archives: I. Provenance and Content Indexing Methods of Subject Retrieval”. AA 43 (Winter 1980): 64-75. GH, USA14

1559.           LYTLE, Richard H. “Intellectual Access to Archives: II. Report of an Experiment Comparing Provenance and Content Indexing Me­thods of Subject Retrie­val”. AA 43 (Spring1980): 191-207. GH, USA14

1560.           TENER, Jean. “Accessibility and Archives”. Archivaria 6 (Summer 1978): 16-31. EST

1561.           BROOKS, Philip C. Research in Archives: The Use of Unpublished Primary Sources. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. GB2, IND3, USA14


French / français


1562.            Mémoire et histoire : les états européens face aux droits des citoyens du XXIe siècle . Actes de la table ronde organisée par la Chambre des députés de Roumanie et le Ministère français de la culture, Bucaret, 25-26 septembre 1998. Paris, conseil international des archives, 2000. F3

1563.           “Transparence et secret : l’accès aux archives contemporaines ”. Gazette des archives numéro spécial (2e -3e trimestres 1997). F3

1564.           BASTIEN, Hervé. “ Du bon usage des dérogations : à propos d’un arrêt récent du Conseil d’Etat ”. Gazette des archives (4e trimestre 1994) : 410-415. F3

1565.           LAMBERT, James. “La référence et la recherche: une vision holistique d'une interface”. Archives vol.23, Nr.4 (1992): 17-32. CDN2

1566.           VUILLARD-GARZON, Monique. “Le besoin d'études d'usagers des archives définitives : un leitmotiv dans la littérature archivistique”. Archives Vol. 27, no 2, 1995, p. 91-104.CDN2

1567.           Guide de l’accès aux documents administratifs. Paris, La Documentation française, 1990. F3

1568.           ERMISSE, Gérard. “ La communication. Gazette des archives (2e trimestre 1988) : 200-217. F3

1569.           WOLKOWITSCH, Gilles. Archives, bibliothèques, musées: statut des collections accessi­bles au public. Paris, 1986. F3

1570.           “ Droit à l'information, droit au secret. La communication des archives contemporaines ”. Actes de la journée d'études de l'association des archivistes français. Gazette des archives numéro spécial (3e-4e trimestres 1985). F3


German / allemand


1571.           SPECKER, Hans-Eugen. “Zusammenarbeit zwischen Archiv und Schule”. Der Archivar 40, 1987, Sp. 397-404. D1

1572.           RICHTER, Gregor. “Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bildungsaufgaben und Unterrichtsdienste der Archive”. Veröffentlichungen der staatl. Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg 44, 1986, S. 23 ff. D1


Russian / russe


1573.           Stepansky, A.D. (Степанский А.Д.). “проблемы публикации исторических источ-ников во “Археографическом ежегоднике”. Археографический ежегодник за 1996. М., 1998.


Spanish / espagnol


1574.           DOWLE, Lawrence. “Agenda de Investigación sobre la Disponibilidad y uso de los Archivos”. Foro Archivística no.4. Jul-Dic. México D.F., 1992. CR


Chinese / chinois


1575.           LIU, Guoneng; WANG, Xiangzhong; SUN, Gang. Dang An Li Yong Xue (Access to Archives). Beijing, 1996. CN CAO, Xichen ed. Dang An Wen Xian Bian Zuan Xue (Editing and Publication of Archival Documentation).  Beijing, 1990. CN


Danish/ danois


1576.           DYBDAHL, Vagn. “Arkiver og tilgængelighed”. Arkiverne og samfun­det (1987): 41-68 DEN

1577.           DüBECK, Inger. Statsmagt og arkiver. Det offentliges ret til arkiva­lier. 1982. DEN


Italian / italien


1578.           MASSABO' RICCI, Isabella; Marco CARASSI. “Il progetto dell'Archivio di Stato di Torino per la gestione informatizzata della sala di studio”. Archivi & Compu­ter I (1991/2): 155-159. I


Japanese / japonais


1579.           YAMADA, Tetsuyoshi. “Shiryo no Etsuran Riyo to Sabisu” (Access to Archives and User Services). In: The Department of Historical Manuscripts, National Institute of Japanese Literature, ed. Shiryo no Seiri to Kanri (Arrangement and Administration of Archives). Tokyo, 1988, pp.131-154. J1

1580.           HIROSE, Mutsumi. “Shiryo Hozon Riyo Kikan ni Okeru Riyo to Sabisu” (Access to Archives and User Services at Archival Institutions). Chihoshi Kenkyu (Local History) 194 (1985): 68-73. J1


Polish / polonais


1581.           Nawrocki, Stanisław. Komputer w służbie archiwalnej. Warszawa-Łódź, 1985. PL7

1582.           Radtke, Irena. “Stan wykorzystania materiałów archiwalnych w archiwach państwowych w latach 1964-1974”. Archeion t.68(1979):  PL7

1583.           Bańkowski, Piotr. “Działalność naukowa i wydawnicza państwowej służbie archiwalnej w Polsce Ludowej “. Archeion t.41(1964): 159-177. PL6


Romanian / roumain


1584.           DRĂGHICI, Natalia; DOGARU, Maria. “Mulaje sigilare realizate la Arhivele Statului în sprijinul activităţilor cultural - educative”. R.A. nr.3 (1997): 330-343. RO

1585.           TONE, Mihaela. “Arhivele şi marele public”. R.A. nr.2 (1994): 147-151. RO

1586.           HURMUZACHE, Gabriela. “Accesul în arhive”. R.A. nr.1 (1994): 47-57. RO

1587.           TEODORESCU, Z. Virgiliu. “Consideraţii referitoare la baza materială a activităţii de valorificare”. Buletinul de Informare şi Documentare arhivistică (BIDA) nr.2 (1992): 23-29. Bucureşti. RO

1588.           DUŢĂ, Alexandru. “Arhivele în slujba publicului”. R.A. nr.4 (1991): 543-545. RO

1589.           IONESCU, Radu. “Genuri de acte folosite de Arhivele Statului în activitatea de rezolvare a cererilor oamenilor muncii - valoarea lor juridică”. R.A. nr.4 (1985): 399-401. RO

1590.           IONESCU, Radu. “Câteva probleme referioare la eliberarea actelor de vechime în muncă”. R.A. nr.1 (1984): 51-56. RO

1591.           PĂSCULESCU, Nina. “Câteva probleme referitoare la eliberarea actelor de vechime în muncă”. R.A. nr.3 (1983): 284-287. RO

1592.           PRUNĂ, Livia. “Câteva probleme referitoare la eliberarea actelor de vechime în muncă”. R.A. nr.3 (1983): 283-284. RO

1593.           GAL, Ionel. “Modalităţi de valorificare a informaţiei economice din arhive”. R.A. nr.2 (1983): 131-135. RO

1594.           “Cercetarea documentelor de arhivă în sprijinul dezvoltării economiei naţionale”. R.A. nr.2 (1982): 146-156. RO


Swedish / suédois


1595.           ENGMAN, M. “Arkiven och historieforskningen”. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland (1979): 271-289. SF1