preservation and conservation of other record formats: see ch. 11

préservation et conservation d'autres for­mats de documents: voyez ch. 11



More than one language / en plusieurs langues


1283.           La conservation : une science en évolution. Bilan et perspectives. Actes des troisièmes journées internationales d’études de l’ARSAG, Paris, 21 - 25 avril 1997. F3

1284.           GI­O­VANNINI, Andrea. De tutela librorum: la conservation des livres et des documents d'archives = die Erhaltung von Büchern und Archivalien (texte en français et en alle­mand). Genève, 1995. CH

1285.           Environnement et conservation de l’écrit, de l’image et du son. Actes des deuxièmes journées internationales d’études de l’ARSAG, Paris, 16 - 20 mai 1994. F3

1286.           Sauvegarde et conservation des photographies, dessins, imprimés et manuscrits. Actes des journées internationales d’études de l’ARSAG, Paris, 30 septembre - 4 octobre 1991. F3

1287.           LIENARDY, A.; PH. VAN DAMME. Inter Folia. Handboek voor de conservatie en de restaura­tie van papier. (orig.: Inter Folia. Manuel de conservation et de restauration du papier). Kon. Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium, Brussel, 1989. B

1288.           ROPER, Michael. Planning, Equipping and Staffing an Archival Preservation and Conservation Service: a RAMP Study with Guidelines. UNESCO, Paris, 1989. D1, GB6, TR2

1289.           CRESPO NOGUEIRA, Carmen; Vicente VIÑAS. The Preservation and Restorati­on of Paper Records and Books: a RAMP Study with Guidelines. UNESCO, Paris, 1985.

1290.           ---- La preservación y restauración de documen­tos y libros en papel. Estudio RAMP. UNESCO, Paris, 1988. CR, BR3

1291.           CUNHA, George Martin. Methods of Evaluation to Determine the Preservation Needs in Libraries and Archives: a RAMP Study with Guidelines. UNESCO, Paris, 1988. P3

1292.           BENOIT, G. et Danièle NEIRINCK. Les moyens de conservation les plus écono­miques dans les batiments d'archives des pays industriels et tropicaux: une étude RAMP. UNES­CO, Paris, 1987. F5, TR2


English / anglais


1293.          Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. A Standard for Record Repositories on constitution and finance, staff, acquisition, access. 2nd ed. London, 1997. GB1, GB1

1294.          PICKFORD, C., et al. Preservation and Conservation: a guide to policy and practices in the preservation of archives. Best Practice Guideline 4. London: Society of Archivists, 1997. GB1

1295.          CHILDS, R.J. Health and safety: a guide to good health and safety practice in the record office. Best Practice Guideline 3. London: Society of Archivists, 1996. GB1

1296.          YAKEL, Elizabeth. “The Archival Facility and Preservation”. In: Starting an Archives. Chicago, 1994. USA13

1297.          RITZENTHALER, Mary Lynn. Preserving Archives and Manuscripts. Chica­go, 1993. CDN2, CDN5, GB3, USA1, USA3, USA5, USA13

1298.          HARVEY, Ross. Preservation in Libraries: A Reader. Melbourne, 1993. AUS1

1299.          HARVEY, Ross. Preservation in Australian and New Zealand Libraries: Princi­ples, Strategies and Practices for Librarians. Second Edition. Topics in Australi­an Library and Information Studies Number 3. Charles Sturt University, Centre for Information Studies, Wagga Wagga, 1993. AUS1

1300.          BATTIN, Patricia. “From Preservation to Access: Paradigm for the Nineties”. IFLA Journal 19/4 (1993): 367-373. USA1

1301.          WILLIS, Don. A Hybrid Systems Approach to Preservation of Printed Materials. Washing­ton, D.C.: Commission of Preservation & Access. 1992. USA1

1302.          WEAVER, G. et al. Conservation Science Teaching Series, Science for Conservators I: an introduction to materials. London: Routledge [for the] Conservation Unit of the Museum and Galleries Commission, 1992. GB1

1303.          MONCRIEFF, A. and G. WEAVER. Conservation Science Teaching Series, Science for Conservators II: cleaning. London: Routledge [for the] Conservation Unit of the Museum and Galleries Commission, 1992. GB1

1304.          NEWEY, C. et al. Conservation Science Teaching Series, Science for Conservators III: adhesives and coatings. London: Routledge [for the] Conservation Unit of the Museum and Galleries Commission, 1992. GB1

1305.          KENNY, G. A Reading Guide to the Preservation of Library Collections. Library Association, 1991. GB3

1306.          FORDE, H. The education of users and staff for proper handling and care of archival materials; A RAMP study with guidelines. Paris, 1991. GB3, MO

1307.          DEPEW, John. A Library Media and Archival Preservation Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif., 1991. CDN2

1308.          CHAPMAN, Patricia. Guideli­nes on Preservation and Conserva­tion Policies in the Archives and Libraries Heritage: A RAMP Study. Paris, 1990. GB3

1309.          Basic Conservation of Archival Materials: a Guide. Canadian Council of Archives 1990. P4. (obstaja tudi hrvaski prevod. SLO)

1310.          BURGESS, D. Chemical Science and Conservation. Macmillan Education, London, 1990. GB1

1311.          WACHTER, Wolfgang (ed.); Helmut ROTZSCHE (superv.). Study on Mass Conser­vati­on Techniques for Treatment of Library and Archives Material. Paris, 1989.

1312.          PRICE, Helen. Stopping the Rot: a Handbook of preventive Conservation for local Studies Collecti­ons. Second Edition. ALIA, NSW Branch, Sydney, 1989. AUS1

1313.          CONWAY, Paul. “Archival Preservation Practice in a Nationwide Context”. AA 53 (Spring 1990): 204-222. USA1, USA14

1314.          BAYNES-COPE, A.D. Caring for Books and Documents. London, 1989. CDN2, D1, GB1

1315.          British Standards Institute. BS 4971 Recommendations of Repair and Allied Processes for the Conservation of Documents. Pt. I – sheets, membranes and seals. 1988; Pt. II – archival building. 1980. GB1, GB3, GB6

1316.          CALMES, Alan; Ralph SCHOFER; Keith R. EBERHARDT. “Theory and Practice of Paper Preservation for Archives”. Restaurator 9 (no.2, 1988): 96-110. USA14

1317.          UNESCO, PGI-UNISIST. Study on Mass Conservation Techniques for Treatment of Libray and Archival Maerial. Paris, 1987. MO

1318.          MORROW, Carolyn Clark and Carole DYAL. Conservation Treatment Procedu­res: a Manual of step-by-step Procedures for the Maintenance and repair of Library Materials. Littleton, Libraries Unlimited, Colorado, 1986. AUS1

1319.          RITZENTHALER, M.L. Archives and Manuscripts: Conservation. A manual on Physical Care and Management. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1983. GB1

1320.          GREENFIELD, Jane. Books: their care and repair. New York, 1983. AUS1

1321.          CUNHA, George Martin et Dorothy GRANT-CUNHA. Library and Archives Conser­vati­on: 1980s and Beyond. Metuchen, N.J., 1983. P4

1322.          LANGWELL, W.H. The Conservation of Books and Documents. Westport, 1974. GB2, P4

1323.          WARDLE, D.B. Document Repair. Society of Archivists. London, 1971. GB1, GB2

1324.          CUNHA, George Martin; GRANT-CUNHA, Dorothy. Conservation of Library Materi­als. Metuchen, N.J., 1971 et 1972. 2 v. GB1


French / français


1325.          DIRECTION DES ARCHIVES DE FRANCE. Règles pour la restauration et la reliure des documents d’archives. Paris, 1999. F3

1326.          GIOVANNINI, Andréa. De tutela librorum, la conservation des livres et des documents d’archives. 1994. F3

1327.          MARELLI, Nancy. “Les sinistres: prévention et planification d'urgence. Comment prévenir la perte des documents d'une organisation lors d'un sinistre. Archives vol.22, Nr.3 (1991): 3-24. CDN2

1328.          “La conservation physique des documents”. Les nouvelles archives: formation et collecte. Actes du XXXe Congrès National des Archivistes Français, Paris, 1990, pp.21-40. F3

1329.          “ Préservation, conservation et conditionnement des archives avec les moyens d’aujourd’hui ”. Actes du XXIXe congrès national des archivistes français, Moulins, 15 octobre 1987. Paris, 1989. F3

1330.          La conservation des archives, bâtiments et sécurité. Colloque international de Vienne, 1985. Paris, 1988. F3, F5

1331.          FLIEDER,Françoise (dir). Les documents graphiques et photographiques, analyse et conservation. Paris, 1981. F3


German / allemand


1332.          MENNE-HARITZ, Angelika; BRÜBACH, Nils. Der intrinsische Wert von Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut. Marburg, 1997. D1

1333.          WEBER, Hartmut (Hrsg.). Bestandserhaltung in Archiven und Bibliotheken. Werkhefte der Staatl. Archivverwaltung. Baden-Wirttemberg. Stuttgart, 1992. D1

1334.          DRUPPEL, Christoph. “Der Verwendungskatalog für Recycling-Papier in der Verwaltung der Kreise, Städte und Gemeinden in Baden-Württemberg. Einführung und Textabdruck”. Der Archivar 45, 1992, Sp. 581 ff.. D1

1335.          “Empfehlungen zur Restaurierung und Konservierung von Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut. Blaubeurener Empfehlungen. Mit einer Einführung von Hartmut Weber und Gerd Brinkhaus”. Der Archivar 44, 1991, Sp. 557-568. D1

1336.          WEBER, Hartmut. “Integrative Bestandserhaltung von Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut”. Der Archivar Jg.44, 1991. D1

1337.          BANIK, Gerhard und Sebastian DOBRUSSKIN. Aufbewahren von Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Museumsgut. Wien (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Institut für Restaurierung). 1990. D1

1338.          DESSAUER, Guido. “Das Papier im Archiv. Eine Paraphrase über altbekannte Themen”. Das Papier 43.Jg., 1989. D1

1339.          SCHWERDT, Peter. “Massenentsäuerungsverfahren für Bibliotheken und Archive. Entwicklungs­stand und Aussichten für eine Einführung in der Bundesrepublik Deuts­chland”. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. Jg.36, 1989. D1

1340.          WEBER, Hartmut und Gerd BRINKHUS. “Bestandserhaltung als gemeinsame Aufgabe der Archive und Bibliotheken. Eine Konzeption zur Lösung eines fast unlösbaren Problems”. ABI - Technik, Zeitschrift für Automation, Bau und Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informations­wesen. Jg.9, 1989. D1

1341.          WEBER, Hartmut. “Erhalten von Archivgut. Möglichkeiten und Wirtschaftlichkeit­saspek­te” in: Gregor RICHTER (Hrsg.). Aus der Arbeit des Archivars. Festschrift für Eberhard Gönner. Stuttgart, 1986. D1

1342.          WÄCHTER, Karl. Restaurierung und Erhaltung von Büchern, Archivalien und Graphiken. ( = Studien zu Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege 9). Wien, Köln, Graz, 1982. D1

1343.          WÄCHTER, W. Buchrestaurierung. Das Grundwissen des Buch- und Papierrestaurators. Leipzig, 1981. D1

1344.          TROBAS, Karl. Papierrestaurierung in Archiven, Bibliotheken und Sammlungen. Graz, 1980. D1


Russian / russe


1345.          Gedrovich, F.A. (Гедрович Ф.А.). Технические аспекты обеспечения сохранности архивных документов: Сб. Научн. Трудов. (Отв. Редактор). М., 1994. (5 п.л.). RU


Spanish / espagnol


1346.          BECK, Ingrid. Manual de conservación y restauración de documentos. Archivo General de la Nación. Mexico, D.F., 1992. CR

1347.          VIÑAS, Vicente e Ruth. Las Técnicas Tradicionales de Restauracion, un Estudio del RAMP. UNESCO, Paris, 1989. MO

1348.          PESCADOR DEL HOYO, María del Carmen. El archivo; instalación y conserva­ción. Madrid, 1988. CR

1349.          ARCE GÓNZALEZ, María Cecilia. “La conservación del Archivo Nacional”. ALA no.10. Jul-Dic. México, 1980. CR

1350.          FLEXES, M. Cristina. El papel. Universidade Nacional de Cordoba: CIDA, Cordoba, 1977. BR3


Chinese / chinois


1351.          LIU, Jiazhen. “Dian Zi Shi Dai Dang An Bao Hu De Xin Ling Yu (New Area in Archives Preservation in Electronic Times)”. Archives Science Bulletin 4(1998): 48-50. CN

1352.          GUO, Lizhu. “Chuan Tong Dang An Bao Hu Ji Shu Fa Zhan Fang Xiang Ji Qian Jing (Development Trends and Prospects for the Traditional Archives Preservation Techniques)”. Dang An Xue Tong Xun (Archives Science Bulletin)5(1996). CN

1353.          GUO, Lizhu. “Dang An Bao Hu Ji Shu Xue Yan Jiu Shi Nian Hui Gu (Ten Years' Review of Academic Research in Archives Preservation Technology). Dang An Xue Tong Xun (Archives Science Bulletin )4(1996). CN

1354.          FENG, Zizhi; XU Yiquan. Dang An Bao Hu Ji Shu Shi Yong Shou Ce (Practical Handbook of Techniques of Archives Preservation).Beijing, 1994. CN

1355.          DU, Qingping. Dang An Bao Hu Xue (Archives Preservation). Chengdu, 1992. CN

1356.          FENG, Leyun ; LI, Hongjian. Dang An Bao Hu Ji Shu Xue (Techniques of Archives Preservation ) . Beijing, 1991. CN


Dutch / néerlandais


1357.          DONKERS, C. Syllabus materiële zorg. Archiefschool, Den Haag, 1992. NL

1358.          EERDEN-VONK, M.A. van der; P.C.B. MAARSCHALKERWEERD; L. OL­DERTS­MA. Syllabus depotbeheer. Archiefschool, Den Haag, 1992. NL

1359.          MAARSCHALKERWEERD, P.C.B. Reader materiële zorg en logistiek. Archief­school­, Den Haag, 2e ed., 1992. NL


Italian / italien


1360.          Dal 1966 al 1986. Interventi di massa e piani di emergenza per la conservazione del patrimonio librario e archivistico. Atti del convegno e catalogo della mostra, Firenze 20-22 novembre 1986. Roma, 1991. I

1361.          PERUSINI, Giuseppina. Introduzione al Restauro. Storia, Teoria, Techniche. Udine, 1985. P4

1362.          MORANDINI, Francesca.Tecnologia archivistica, conservazione, restauro e fotoriproduzione del materiale di archivio. Firenze, 1980. I


Japanese / japonais


1363.          YASUE, Akio. et al., ed. Toshokan to Shiryo-hozon: Sansei-shi Mondai karano 10 nen no Ayumi (Library and Paper Preservation: 10 Years of Acid Paper Problems). Tokyo, 1995. J1

1364.          Committee for Study Meeting on the Preservation and Restoration of Archives ed. Kiroku-shiryo no Hozon to Shufuku : Monjo Shoseki wo Mirai ni nokosu (Preservation and Restoration of Archives: Keeping Archives and Books for the Future). Tokyo, 1995. J1

1365.          SUZUKI, Eiji. Kami no Rekka to Shiryo-Hozon: Shirizu Hon wo Nokosu 4 (Deterioration and Preservation of Paper: Japan Library Association Keeping Books Series No.4). Japan Library Association, Tokyo, 1993. J1

1366.          YAMADA, Tetsuyoshi and HIROSE, Mutsumi. “Shiryokan ni Okeru Shiryo Hozon Katsudo” (Preservation and Conservation Activities at the Department of Historical Documents). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 22 (1991): 59-152. J1

1367.          HARASHIMA, Yoichi. “Shiryo Hozon no Kihonteki Kadai” (Basic Considerations in the Preservation of Archives). Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 2 (1991):5-11. Reprint in: YASUE, Akio. et al., ed. Toshokan to Shiryo-hozon: Sansei-shi Mondai karano 10 nen no Ayumi (Library and Paper Preservation: 10 Years of Acid Paper Problems). Tokyo, 1995. J1

1368.          HARASHIMA, Yoichi. “Shiryo no Hozon to Hoshu” (Preservation and Restoration of Archives). In: The Department of Historical Manuscripts, National Institute of Japanese Literature, ed. Shiryo no Seiri to Kanri (Arrangement and Administration of Archives). Tokyo (1988):99-130. J1


Polish / polonais


1369.          Wojda, P. “Przyczyny powodujące niszczenie archiwaliów oraz zadania archiwaliów w zakresie profilaktyki i konserwacji akt”. (Ed.) Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe, Biuletyn Wojskowej Służby Archiwalnej t.XV (1992): 44-57. PL6

1370.          Brzozowska-Jabłońska, Maria. “Przegląd metod konsewrwacji akt stosowanych w Centralnym Laboratorium Konserwacji Archiwaliów przy Archium Głównym Akt Dawnych”. Archeion t.73(1982): 195-204. PL6

1371.          Husarska, Maryna; Sadurska, Irena. Konserwacja zbiorów archiwalnych i bibliotecznych, (Ed.) Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Warszawa, 1968. PL4, PL6, PL7

1372.          Husarska, Maryna. “Konserwacja materiałów archiwalnych w Polsce Ludowej”. Archeion t.41(1964): 115-116. PL6


Portuguese / portugais


1373.          CASANOVA, Conceição. “Conciderações acerca da relação função/qua­lidade do microfil­me numa biblioteca ou arquivo”. Cadernos BAD. Lisboa (1) 1994: 9-18. P3

1374.          CASANOVAS, Luis Elias. “Bibliotecas e arquivos”. Cadernos BAD, Lisboa (2), 1991: 43-56. P3

1375.          BECK, Ingrid. Manual de preservação de documentos. Rio de Janeiro: Arquivo Nacio­nal - ACAN, 1991. BR3

1376.          FREITAS, Adelma e outros. Conservação e restauração de encadernação de obras em suporte papel. Brasília, junho de 1988. BR3

1377.          BECK, Ingrid. Manual de conservação de documentos. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Justiça/Arquivo Nacional, 1985. BR3

1378.          SILVA, Edith Maria da. Conservação e restauração de livros e documentos. Cadernos FUNDAP. São Paulo. v.4n.8: 49-55. BR3


Romanian / roumain


1379.          OPREA, Florea. “Controlul factorilor de degradare şi măsurile de igină a arhivelor în depozit”. R.A. nr.2 (1989): 221-226. RO


Slovakian / slovaque


1380.          HANUS, Jozef; SPIRITZA, Juraj. “Ochrana archívnych dokumentov”. Slovenská archivistika 15 (1980): 28 - 55. CS1


Slovenian / slovène


1381.          ČUČNIK-MAJCEN, Nada. Zapis v čas: osnove varovanja in konserviranja knjižnčnega in arhivske­ga gradiva. Ljubljana, 1996. SLO

1382.          VODOPIVEC, Jedert; Nataša GOLOB. Zapis in podoba: ohranjanje, obnavljanje in oživljanje. Ljubljana, 1996. SLO

1383.          Arhivska tehnika. Ljublja­na, 1972. SL