More than one language / en plusieurs langues


1186.           International Council on Archives. Ad Hoc Commission on Descriptive Standards. Statement of Principles Regarding Archival Description. 1st version rev., Madrid, 1992. NL, P4. Also in Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 8-16. GB1, GB6, USA14

1187.           International Council on Archives. ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Descrip­tion. First Edition: Ottawa, 1994. Second Edition: 2000, Ottawa. Both available at <http://www.ica.org/cgi-bin/ica.pl?04_e>. An earlier draft of the first vedition: also in: Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 17-32. GB1, GB3, GB6, IL, TR2, USA14, P2

1188.           ---- ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Descrip­tion. Translated in Dutch and introduced by Peter J. Horsman. Archiefschool, Den Haag, 1994. NL

1189.           ---- ------ Translated in Japanese by Sachiko MORIMOTO and introduced by Hideyuki AOYAMA. Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 6 (1995):106-117. J1

1190.           International Council on Archives. ISAAR(CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies Persons and Families. Ottowa, 1996. Available at <http:// www.ica.org/cds/isaar_e.html>. P2, GB1. Also in Archivaria 43 (Spring 1997): 213-241. (standard issue) EST

1191.           Mesa Redonda de Archivos. Actas seminario sobre normas internacionales para la descripción archivística. C.I.A. Washington D.C., 1994. CR

1192.           HAWORTH, Kent M. “Standardizing Archival Description”. Archivum XXXIX (München etc. 1994): 187-196. NL

1193.           STIBBE, Hugo. “Implementing the Concept of Fonds: Primary Access Point, Multilevel Description and Authority Control”. Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 109-137. USA14

1194.           ---- “L'application de la notion de fonds. Un article qui traite de la catégorie d'accès principa­le, de la description à plusieurs niveaux et du contrôle d'auto­rité”. Archives vol.25, Nr.1 (1993): 51-83. CDN2

1195.           BLACK, Elizabeth. Authority Control: a Manual for Archivists. Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. 1991. CDN5, GB6, USA13

1196.           ---- Le contrôle d'autorité. Un manuel destiné aux archivistes. Bureau Canadien des Archivis­tes, Ottawa, 1991. CDN2, P4

1197.           Planning Commit­tee on Descriptive Standards. Rules for Archival Description. Ottawa: Bureau of Canadian Archivists, 1990+. AUS1, CDN5, GB6, P4

1198.           Comité de planification sur les normes de description. Règles pour la descripti­on des documents d'archives. Ottawa, Bureau Canadien des Archi­vis­tes, 1990, mises à jour 1992 et 1994. CDN2, CDN6, TR1


English / anglais


1199.          “Encoded Archival Description. Part II - Case Studies”. AA 60 Nr. 4 (Fall 1997). EST

1200.          “Encoded Archival Description. Part I - Context and Theory”. AA 60 Nr. 3 (Summer 1997). EST

1201.          STIBBE, Hugo L. P. “Archival Descriptive Standards and the Archival Community: A Retrospective”. Archivaria 41 (Spring 1996): 259-274

1202.          COOK, Michael. “The International Description Standards: an interim report.” Journal of the Society of Archivists 16 (1995): 15–25. GB1, EST

1203.          WALCH, Victoria Irons. Standards for Archival Description: a Handbook. Chicago, IL: SAA, 1994. AUS1, GB1, GB6

1204.          WEBER, Lisa B. “Archival Descriptive Standards Concepts, Principles, and Methodo­logies” in: Toward International Descriptive Standards for Archives: papers presented at the ICA Invitational Meeting of Experts on Descriptive Standards, National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, 4-7 October 1988. München-New Provi­dence-London-Paris, 1993, pp. 105-118 (ISBN 3-598-11163-0). NL

1205.          COOK, Michael. “The Arrangement of Estate Archives: a commentary in the light of theMAD 2 description standard.” Journal of the Society of Archivists 14 (1993): 117–124. GB1

1206.          BEARMAN, David. “Strategy for the Development and Implementation of Archival Description Standards”. in: Toward International Descriptive Standards for Archives: papers presented at the ICA Invitational Meeting of Experts on Descriptive Stand­ards, National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, 4-7 October 1988, K.G. Saur, München-New Provi­dence-London- Paris, 1993, p. 161-171 (ISBN 3-598-11163-0). NL

1207.          The Report of the Subject Indexing Working Group. Bureau of Canadian Ar­chi­vists. Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. Publication Nr. 4. 1992.

1208.          Subject Indexing for Archives. Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Ottawa, 1992. USA13

1209.          HENSEN, Steven L. “Standards for the Exchange of Descriptive Information on Archival and Manuscript Material in the United States”. Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 272-278. NL, P4, USA14,

1210.          HAWORTH, Kent. “The Development of Descriptive Standards in Canada: A Progress Report”. Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 75-90. USA14

1211.          COOK, Michael. “Description Standards: The Struggle towards the Light”. Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 50-57. CDN3, USA14

1212.          Society of American Archivists. “Standards for Archival Description standards: Background Papers.” American Archivist 53 (1990): 24–108, 130–138. GB1

1213.          CLACK, Doris Hargrett. Authority Control. Principles, Applications and Instructi­ons. Chicago, 1990. P4

1214.          Special Issue on Archival Descriptive Standards. AA 52 (Fall 1989). USA5, USA14

1215.          BEARMAN, David. “Authority Control Issues and Prospects”. AA 52 (Summer 1989): 289-99. CDN5

1216.          Special Issue on Archival Descriptive Standards. Library Trends 36 (Winter 1988). Browse. USA14

1217.          EVANS, Max J. “Authority Control: An Alternative to the Record Group Con­cept”. AA 49 (Summer 1986): 249-261. USA1, USA5, USA12, USA14

1218.          Canadian Working Group on Archival Descriptive Standards. Toward Descriptive Standards. Ottawa: Bureau of Canadian Archivists, December 1985. CDN6, GB1, NL, USA14


French / français


1219.          DOOM, Vincent. “ Description et analyses archivistiques ou la nécessité d’une normalisation ”. Gazette des archives (3e -4e trimestre 1998) : 232-246. F3

1220.          NOUGARET, Christine. “ D’ISAD/G à ISAAR : un nouvel outil au Conseil international des archives pour la description archivistique ”. Gazette des archives (1er trimestre 1997) : 102-122. F3

1221.          HUDON, Michèle. Le thésaurus: conception, élaboration, gestion. Montréal, Les éditions ASTED inc. 1994 (collection clé en main). CDN

1222.          NOUGARET, Christine. “ Vers une normalisation internationale de la description des archives : la norme ISAD/G du Conseil international des archives ”. Gazette des archives, (2e trimestre 1995) : 274-292. F3

1223.          AITCHISON, Jean; Alan GILCHRIST. Construire un thésaurus: manuel pratique. ADBS édition, Paris, 1992. CDN2

1224.          L'indexation par sujet en archivistique. Bureau Canadien des Archivis­tes, Ottawa, 1992. CDN2, GH

1225.          GAGNON-ARGUIN, Louise. Une introduction au contrôle d'autorité pour le traitement des noms propres en archivistique. Bureau Canadien des Archivistes, Ottawa, 1989. CDN2, P4

1226.          Direction des Archives de France. Thésaurus W. Vocabulaires normalisés pour la descripti­on et l'indexation des archives administratives locales contemporaines. Paris, 1989. (2ème édition) F2, F3

1227.          Groupe de Travail Canadien sur les Normes de Description en Archivistique. Les Normes de Description en Archivistique: une Necessité. Ottawa, Bureau Canadien des Archivistes, 1986. P4, CDN6

1228.          Naud, Christiane. “ L’analyse archivistique ”. Actes du XXVIe congrès national des archivistes français, Angers, 5-7 octobre 1983. Paris, Archives nationales, 1985 : 53-59. F3

1229.          VALLEE, Aline. “ Index thématiques, tableaux méthodiques et thesaurus : luxe ou nécessité ? ”. Gazette des Archives (2e et 3e trimestre 1984) : 242-244. F3

1230.          L’Huillier, Hervé (dir.). “ La rédaction des bordereaux de versement ”. Gazette des Archives (4e trimestre 1981) : 203-215. F3

1231.          NAUD, Christiane et NAUD, Gérard. “ L’analyse des archives administratives contemporaines ”. Gazette des Archives (4e trimestre 1981) : 216-235. F3


German / allemand


1232.          BRÜNING, R.; HEEGEWALD, W. (Übers. und Hrsg.). Internationale Grundsätze für die archivische Verzeichnung. Marburg, 1994. D1


Russian / russe


1233.          Belokon, E.A. (Белоконь Е.А.). “Традиции описания рукописных книг и создания CD-Rom ов”. Мир старообрядчества. Вып. 4, 1998. (3 п.л.). RU


Chinese / chinois


1234.          ZHOU, Ming. Dang An Zhu Lu Biao Yin Yu Jian Suo (Archives Description, Indexing and Retrieval). Kunming, 1998. CN

1235.          SUN, Gang. Dang An Mu Lu Xue (Archival Catalogue).Beijing, 1991. CN

1236.          SUN, Gang. Dang An Zhu Lu Yu Biao Ying Shou Ce (Manual of Archival Description and Indexing). Beijing, 1986. CN


Dutch / néerlandais


1237.          HORSMAN, Peter. Methoden en technieken van beschrijven / Stan­daards. Archief­school, ‘s-Gravenhage, 1997. NL



Italian / italien


1238.          Seminario Internazionale, San Miniato, 1994. Gli Standard per la descrizione degli archivi europei : esperienze e proposte : atti… Roma : Ministerio per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici, 1996. P4

1239.          CARUCCI, Paola. “La normalizzazione nella descrixione archivistica”. Archivi per la storia V (1992): 13-23. I

1240.          CARUCCI, Paola. “L'esperienza della 'Guida generale degli archivi di Stato' nell'evolu­zi­one dei criteri di normalizzazione in Italia”. Archivi & Computer II (1992/1): 13-23. I

1241.          CERRI, Roberto. “Un ulteriore passo avanti verso gli standard per gli archivi”. La nuova versione di “Statement of Principles”. Archivi & Computer II (1992/2): 119-127. I

1242.          VITALI, Stefano. “Il dibattito sulla normalizzazione: esperienze internazio­nali ed esigenze nazionali. Alcune riflessioni sui convegni regionali ANAI di Roma e di Venezi­a”. Archivi & Computer II (1992/1): 32-41. I

1243.          “Fonti archivistiche: problemi di normalizzazione nella redazione degli strumenti di ricerca”, fascicolo unico di Archivi per la storia V (1992/1). I

1244.          BALDACCI, Maria Bruna. “Archivi & Archivi”. Archivi & Computer I (1991/1): 37-47. I


Japanese / japonais


1245.          MORIMOTO, Sachiko. “Kokusai Hyojun Kirokushiryo Kijutsu Tekiyo no Kokoromi: Gyosei Bunsho no Baai” (Application of ISAD(G): A Case Study in Public Records). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 29 (1998): 402-430. J1

1246.          MORIMOTO, Sachiko. “Kokusai Hyojun Kirokushiryo Kijutsu Tekiyo no Kokoromi: Shoke Monjo no Baai” (Application of ISAD(G): A Case Study in Family Records). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 28 (1997): 229-274. J1

1247.          AOYAMA, Hideyuki. “Kokusai Hyojun Kirokushiryo Kijutsu nado ni yoru Hakodate Bugyosho-Monjo Mokuroku Sakusei no Kokoromi” (Report on Experimental Description of the Hakodate-Bugyo Records Using ISAD(G) and other Standards). Archives Hokkaido Bulletin 12 (1997): 44-84. J1

1248.          AOYAMA, Hideyuki and MORIMOTO, Sachiko. “ICA Kokusai Hyojun Kirokushiryo Kijutsu: Ippan Gensoku” (General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G). Translation and Annotation). Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 6 (1995):106-117. J1

1249.          NAKANO, Michiko. “Kinsei-Shiryo Mokuroku no Hyojunka no Mondaiten to Kadai” (Problems and Perspectives in Standardising Description of Japanese Early-Modern Records). Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 3 (1992):66-80. J1


Polish / polonais


1250.          Laszuk, Anna. Bazy danych w archiwach państwowych, [w:] Archiwa polskie wobec wyzwań XXI wieku. Pamiętnik III Powszechnego Zjazdu Archiwistów Polskich, red. Nałęcz, Daria, Radom, 1997. 231-241. PL6

1251.          Ryszewski, Bohdan. Powstanie i charakterystyka formatu opisu archiwalnego FOPAR, [w:] Komputeryzacja archiwów, t.1, Toruń, 1995. PL7


Portuguese / portugais


1252.          RIBEIRO, Fernanda. Indexação e controlo de autoridade em arquivos. Vol. 2. Porto, 1996. P4


Romanian / roumain


1253.          ANTON, Dan. “Actualizarea şi perfecţionarea fişeisituaţia fondului în concordanţă cu cerinţele activităţii Arhivelor Statului”. R.A. nr.3 (1994): 233-239. RO

1254.          DINU, Cristina. “Propuneri pentru îmbunătăţirea fişeisituaţia fonduluila organizaţiile socialiste”. R.A. nr.1 (1989): 66-68. RO

1255.          LUNGU, Corneliu. “Eficienţa muncii de îndrumare şi control la nivel de ramură”. R.A. nr.2 (1988): 217-219. RO

1256.          PLEŞA, Ioan; MAVRODIN, Teodor; ZAHARIA, Dumitru. “Din experienţa muncii de îndrumare şi control a F.A.S. Alba, Arges, Bacău”. R.A. nr.2 (1984): 180-184. RO


Slovenian / slovèn


1257.          ŽONTAR, Jože. Splošni mednarodni standardi za arhivsko popisovanje. Mednarodni standardi za arhivski zapis o ustvarjalci arhivskega gradiva: pravnih osebah, fizičnih osebah in družinah (prevod olga Pivk). Ljubjana, 1998. SLO


Turkish / turc


1258.          Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi Tasnif Talimatnamesi. Devlet Arsivleri Genel Mudurlugu. Ankara, 1992.

1259.          Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi Daire Baskanligi Calismalarinda Uyulacak Imla Usul ve Esaslari. Devlet Arsivleri Genel Mudurlugu, Ankara, 1992.

1260.          Yer Isimleri Kilavuzu. Devlet Arsivleri Genel Mudurlugu, Ankara 1992.