English / anglais


1063.           BEARMAN, David and DUFF, Wendy. “Grounding Archival Description in the Functional Requirements for Evidence”. Archivaria 41 (Spring 1996): 275-281. EST    

1064.           SMITH, Clive. “The Australian Series System”. Archivaria 40 (Fall 1995): 86-93. EST

1065.           PEDERSON, Ann. “Unlocking Hidden Treasures Through Description: Comments on Archival Voyages of Discovery”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 47-63. EST

1066.           DURANTI, Luciana. “Origin and Development of the Concept of Archival Descrip­tion”. Archivari­a 35 (1993): 47-54. NL, SF1, USA5

1067.           BRUNTON, Paul and Tim ROBINSON. “Arrangement and Description”. In: Keeping Archives, 2nd ed., Judith ELLIS (ed.), Port Mel­bourne, 1993, pp. 222-247. NL

1068.           MacNEIL, Heather. “The Context is All: Describing a Fonds and its Parts in Accor­dance with the Rules For Archival Description”. In: Terry EASTWOOD (ed.). The Archival Fonds: From Theory to Practice. Bureau of Canadian Archivists, Canada, 1992, pp.198-225. NL

1069.           BEARMAN, David. “Documenting Documentation”. Archivaria 34 (Summer 1992): 33-49. USA1, USA14

1070.           MICHELSON, Avra. “Description and Reference in the Age of Automati­on”. AA 50 (Spring 1987): 192-208. CDN5, SF1, USA1, USA5, USA13, USA14


French / français


1071.          Normes et Procedures Archivistiques des Archives Nationales du Québec.- 4ème ed. rev. cor.- Québec: Archives Nationales, 1992. P2


German / allemand


1072.          MENNE-HARITZ, Angelika (ed.). Archivische Erschließung. Methodische Aspekte einer Fachkompetenz. Beiträge des 3. Archivwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums der Archivschule Marburg. Marburg 1998. D1


Spanish / espagnol


1073.          PEREZ HERRERO. El archivo y el archivero. Sus técnicas y utilidad para el Patrimonio Documental Canario. Islas Canarias, 1997. E6



Chinese / chinois


1074.          DENG, Shaoxing. Dang An Fen Lei (Archives Classification). Beijing, 1998. CN

1075.          WU, Jianhua. Dang An Tong Ji Yuan Li Yu Fang Fa (The Principles and Methods of Archival Statistics). Nanjing, 1993. CN

1076.          DENG, Shaoxing; ZOU, Buying; WAN, Guangyue. Zhong Guo Dang An Fen Lei De Yan Bian Yu Fa Zhan (Development of Chinese Archives Classification). Beijing, 1992. CN

1077.          ZHAO, Mingzhong. Dang An Zheng Li Fang Fa (Methods of Archives Arrangement). Beijing, 1983. CN


Dutch / néerlandais


1078.          BRONGERS, Dick; M.W.M.M. GRUYTHUYSEN en G.M. KEIJZER-BALDÉ. Het maken van een archiefbewerkingsplan. Archiefschool, ‘s-Gravenhage, 1997. NL

1079.          HORSMAN, Peter. Een Archivistisch Kwaliteitssysteem. Archief­school, ’s-Gravenhage, 1997. NL

1080.          THOMASSEN, Theo H.P.M. Klassieke toegangen op archieven: een overzicht. Archiefschool, ‘s-Gravenhage, 1997. NL


Italian / italien


1081.          ANTONIELLA, Augusto. “Ordinamento archivistico o costituzione di banche dati? Alla radice di un equivoco”. Archivi & Computer III (1993) 2: 89-107. I


Japanese / japonais


1082.          SUZUE, Eiichi. “Shichoson Yakuba Monjo ni okeru Mokuroku Kijutsu no Kokoromi: Kingendai-Shiryo Seiri-ron Noto 2” (Description of Local Government Records: Study Note on the Arrangement of Modern Records 2). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 29 (1998): 249-359. J1

1083.          SUZUE, Eiichi. “Kingendai-Shiryo Seiri-ron no Jyokyo: Kingendai-Shiryo Seiri-ron Noto 1” (Theory of the Arrangement of Modern Records: Study Note on the Arrangement of Modern Records 1). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 27 (1996): 125-184. J1

1084.          ANDO, Masahito. “Shiryo no Seiri to Kensaku-Shudan no Sakusei” (Arrangement and Description of Archives. In: The Department of Historical Manuscripts, National Institute of Japanese Literature, ed., Shiryo no Seiri to Kanri (Arrangement and Administration of Archives). Tokyo, 1988, pp.51-98. J1

1085.          OHTO, Osamu. “Kinsei Monjo no Seiri to Mokuroku Hensei no Riron to Giho” (Theory and Practice of Arrangement and Description of Japanese Early-Modern Records). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 17 (1985):1-74. Reprint in: OHTO, Osamu & ANDO, Masahito. Shiryo-hozon to Monjokan-gaku (Keeping Archives and Archive Studies). Tokyo, 1986. J1

1086.          ANDO, Masahito. “Shiryo Seiri to Kensaku-Shudan Sakusei no Riron to Giho: Ohbei Monjokan no Keiken to Genjyo ni Manabu” (Theory and Practice of Archival Arrangement and Preparation of Finding Aids in the West). The Department of Historical Documents (Shiryokan) Bulletin 17 (1985): 75-155. Reprint in: OHTO, Osamu & ANDO, Masahito. Shiryo-hozon to Monjokan-gaku (Keeping Archives and Archive Studies). Tokyo, 1986. J1



Polish / polonais


1087.          Gołembiowski, M. Wprowadzenie do informacji archiwalnej dla archiwistów. Toruń, 1991. PL7

1088.          Gołembiowski, M. System informacji archiwalnej. Warszawa-Łódź, 1985. PL7


Portuguese /portugais


1089.          Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros. Classificação e avaliação de documentos. Brasilia, 1997. BR5


Romanian / roumain


1090.          MITRESCU, Eleonora. “Perfecţionarea evidenţei fondurilor şi colecţiilor arhivistice”. R.A. nr.2 (1987): 192-194. RO

1091.          “Masă rotundă: modalităţi de perfecţionare a evidenţei fondurilor şi colecţiilor arhivistice”. R.A. nr.4 (1987): 431-445. RO

1092.          MOŢ, Tiberiu. “Consideraţii privind selecţionarea interioară a unităţilor arhivistice”. R.A. nr.2 (1985): 172-175. RO

1093.          NICULA, Vasile. “Puncte de vedere privind fondarea în Arhivele Statului”. R.A. nr.3 (1984): 314-319. RO

1094.          NICULESCU, Adrian. “Raţionalizarea sistemului de evidenţă a documentelor”. R.A. nr.1 (1981): 56-58. RO

1095.          PUŞCAŞ, Ion. “Principii şi criterii de selecţionare a documentelor”. R.A. nr.3 (1982): 242-245. RO