More than one language / en plusieurs langues
231. COOK, Terry. “What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift”. Archivaria 43 (Spring 1997): 17-63. EST, GB3, SF3
232. ---- ------. In: P.J. HORSMAN, F.C.J. KETELAAR, T.H.P.M. THOMASSEN (ed.). Naar een nieuw paradigma in de archiefwetenschap.’s-Gravenhage, 1999, pp. 29-67. NL
233. COOK, Terry. “Archives in the Post-Custodial World: Interaction of Archival Theory and Practice since the Publication of the Dutch Manual in 1898” (Paper Beijing Congress, 1996). Pulished in Archivum XLIII (1997): 191-214. EST, SF1
234. ---- “Arkhiyyonim baolam hapost-mishmorti: yiahasei gomlin bein theoria arkhiyyonit lea'ssia, meaz pirsum hamadrikh haholandi beshnat 1898”.Arkhiyyon.9 (1998): 41-91. IL
235. DURANTI, Luciana. Diplomatics. New Uses for an Old Science. Lanham, Maryland, and London, 1998. J1
236. ---- Diplomática. Usos nuevos para una antigua ciencia. Carmona, 1996. CR
237. DOLLAR, Charles M. Archival Theory and Information Technologies: The Impact of Information Technologies on Archival Principles and Methods. Informatics and Documentation Series, 1. Oddo BUCCI, Series Editor. Ancona: University of Macerata, 1992. AUS1, GB1, GB6, I, NL, SF1, USA1, USA5, USA9, USA14, SF3
238. ---- Die Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologien auf archivische Prinzipien und Methoden. (übersetzt und hg. von Angelika Menne-Haritz). (Veröffentlichungen der Archivschule Marburg nr. 19). Marburg, 1992. D2, D2
239. EASTWOOD, Terry, ed. The Archival Fonds: from Theory to Practice. Bureau of Canadian Archivists, Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. Ottawa, 1992. AUS1, P4, USA14
240. ---- Le fonds d'archives: de la théorie à la pratique. Bureau Canadien des Archivistes, Ottawa, 1992. CDN2
241. GAVREL, Katherine. Conceptual Problems Posed by Electronic Records: a RAMP Study. UNESCO, Paris, 1990. BR1, GR1, TR2
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244. DUCHEIN, Michel. “Theoretical Principles and Practical Problems of Respect des Fonds in Archival Science”. Archivaria 16 (Summer 1983): 64-82. CDN5, EST, GB6, IL, SF1, SF3, USA14
245. ---- “Le respect des fonds en archivistique: principes, théoriques et problèmes pratiques”. Gazette des Archives 2, no 97 (1977): 71-96. CDN2, P4
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English / anglais
247. KETELAAR, F.C.J. “Can we trust information?”. In: Eric Ketelaar.The archival image. Hilversum, 1997, pp. 119-124. NL
248. COOK, Terry. “The Impact of David Bearman on Modern Archival Thinking: An Essay of Personal Reflection and Critique”. Archives and Museum Informatics Vol. 11 (1997): 15-37. EST
249. BISKUP, Peter; Kathryn DAN; Colleen McEWAN; Greg O'SHEA; Graeme POWELL. Debates and Discourses: Selected Australian Writings on Archival Theory. Australian Society of Archivists, Inc. Canberra, 1995. AUS1
250. DURANTI, Luciana.“Reliability and authenticity”. Archivaria 39 (Spring 1995): 5-10. NL
251. ROBERTS, John W. “Practice Makes Perfect, Theory Makes Archivists”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 111-121. EST, USA13
252. ROBERTS, John W. “Response to Terry Eastwood's Paper”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 131-133. EST, USA13
253. LYMAN, Peter. “Invention, the Mother of Necessity: Archival Research in 2020”. AA 57:1 (1994): 114-125. USA1
254. The Principle of Provenance. First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of Provenance, 2-3 September, 1993. Swedish National Archives, Stockholm, 1994. USA13
255. GRÄNSTRÖM, Claes. “The Janus Syndrome”. in: The Principle of Provenance, First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and Principle of Provenance, 2-3 September 1993. 1994. pp. 11-23. EST
256. HORSMAN,Peter.J. “Taming the Elephant. An Orthodox Approach to the Principle of Provenance”. In: The Principle of Provenance. First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and the Principle of Provenance, 2-3 September, 1993. 1994. pp.51-63.EST, NL
257. POHJOLA, Raimo.“The Principle of Provenance and the Arrangement of Records/Archives”.In: The Principle of Provenance, First Stockholm Conference on Archival Theory and Principle of Provenance, 2-3 September 1993. 1994. pp. 87-101. SF1
258. “The Principle of Provenance. First Stockholm conference on archival theory and the principle of provenance, 2-3 sept. 1993”. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Riksarkivet 10 (1994). USA13
259. COOK, Terry. “Another Brick In The Wall: Terry Eastwood’s Masonry and ArchivalWalls, History and Archival Appraisal”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 96-103. EST
260. MacNEIL, Heather. “Archival Theory and Practice: Between Two Paradigms”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 6-20. EST
261. EASTWOOD, Terry. “What is Archival Theory and why is it Important?”. Archivaria 37 (Spring 1994): 122-130. EST, USA13
262. EASTWOOD, Terry.“Nailing a Little Jelly to the Wall of Archival Studies”. Archivaria 35 (Spring 1993): 232-252. EST
263. COOK, Terry. “The Concept of the Archival Fonds in the Post-Custodial Era: Theory, Problems and Solutions”. Archivaria 35 (Spring 1993): 24-37. NL, USA1, USA5, USA14
264. NESMITH, Tom (ed.). Canadian Archival Studies and the Rediscovery of Provenance. in assn. with ACA and SAA,Metuchen, NJ, 1993. AUS1, CDN6, P4, USA1, USA13, USA14
265. HURLEY, Chris. “What, if Anything, is a Function?”. Archives and Manuscripts 21, no.2 (1993): 208-220. USA14
266. STEPHENSON, Mary Sue. “Deciding not to Build the Wall: Research and the Archival Profession”. Archivaria 32 (1991): 145-151. USA14
267. STIELOW, Frederick J. “Archival Theory Redux and Redeemed: Definition and Context Toward a General Theory”. AA (Winter 1991): 14-26. USA2
268. BARTLETT, Nancy. “Respect des Fonds: The Origins of the Modern Archival Principle of Provenance”. Primary Sources & Original Works 1, nos.1/2 (1991): 107-115. USA14
269. ROBERTS, John W. “Archival Theory: Myth or Banality”. AA (Winter 1990): 110-120. USA2
270. BEARMAN, David. Archival Methods. Archives and Museum Information Technical Report No. 9. Pittsburgh: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1989. AUS1, USA1, USA14
271. ARAD, Arieh. “Defining of ‘Archival Material’, ‘Document’ and ‘Archival Group’”. Scripta Jerosolimitana (1989): 137-147. Jerusalem. IL
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276. BURKE, F.G. “The Future Course of Archival Theory in the United States”. AA44(1) (Winter 1981): 40-46. EST, P4, SF1, USA2, USA9
277. CHABIN, Marie-Anne. Je pense donc j’archive, l’archive dans la société de l’information. Paris, L’Harmattan, 1999. F3
278. DUCHEIN, Michel. “ Le principe de provenance et la pratique du tri, du classement et de la description en archivistique contemporaine ”. Janus (1998.1) : 87-100. F3.
279. BLOUIN, Francis; DELMAS, Bruno (éd.). “ De la diplomatique médiévale à la diplomatique contemporaine ”. Gazette des archives numéro spécial (1er trimestre 1996). F3
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German / allemand
289. GOLDINGER, W. “Der Standort der Archivwissenschaft”. Archivalische Zeitschrift 76 (1980): 1-16. SF1
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294. Stepansky, A.D.(Степанский А.Д.). “Науки об архивах: к вопросу о системе и структуре архивоведческих дисциплин”. Вестник архивиста. 1997. №6. RU
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296. Medushevskaya, O.M. (Медушевская О.М.). “Архивный документ, исторический источник в реальности настоящего”. Отечественные архивы. 1995. №2. С. 9-13. RU
297. Gelman-Vinogradov,K.B.(Гельман-Виноградов К.Б.).“Пространственная одиссея документов как глобальное явление”. Отечественные архивы. 1992. №6.- С. 24-30. RU
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Spanish / espagnol
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Chinese / chinois
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310. TAN, Zhengpei. DangAnXueYuanLi (Principles of Archives Science). Xi'an, 1997. CN
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Czech / tchèque
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Danish/ danois
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Dutch / néerlandais
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Japanese / japonais
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Portuguese / portugais
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Romanian / roumain
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Slovakian / slovaque
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Swedish / suédois
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Turkish / turc
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