More than one language / en plusieurs langues


2007.           HENDRIKS,­ Klaus B.; Anne WITHURST. Conservation of Photographic Materials. A Basic Reading List. Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1988. D1

2008.           LEARY, William H. The Archival Appraisal of Photographs: A RAMP Study with Guideli­nes. UNESCO, Paris, 1985. AUS1, F, USA14


English / anglais


2009.          BESSER, Howard. “The Changing Role of Photographic Collections with the Advent of Digitalization” on Howard's Home Page. USA1

2010.          HEN­DRIKS, Klaus B. u.a. Fundamentals of Photograph Conservation. A Study Guide. LUGUS Publicati­on and the National Archives of Canada, Toron­to, 1991. CDN2, D1

2011.          Proceedings of the International Symposium: The Stability and Conser­vation of Photograp­hic Images, Chemical and Mechanical, Bangkok, November 3-5, 1986. Springfield, VA, 1986. USA1

2012.          RITZENTHALER, Mary Lynn; Gerald J. MUNOFF and Margery S. LONG. Archives and Manuscripts: Administra­tion of photographic Collec­tions. Chica­go, Il., SAA, 1984. AUS1

2013.          COLLINGS, T.J. Archival Care of Still Photographs. 1982.GB2

2014.          WEINSTEIN, Robert A. and Larry BOOTH. Collection, use, and care of historical Photo­graphs. American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, 1977. AUS1


French / français


2015.          “ Le patrimoine photographique ”. Journées de la section des Archives municipales [de l’association des archivistes français], 3-5 juin 1998. Gazette des archives (1er -2e trimestres 1998). F3

2016.          Gérer une pho­tothèque. Usages et règlements. Paris, 1992. F2

2017.          LAVEDRINE, Bertrand. La Conservation des photographies. Paris, 1990. F3

2018.          “ Atelier images fixes ”.Les nouvelles archives, formation et collecte. Actes du XXVIIIe congrès national des archivistes français, Paris, 29 septembre-1er octobre 1986. Paris, 1987 : 19-59. F3

2019.          LEARY, W. Le tri des photographies en archivistique, étude RAMP n° 49, Paris, 1985. F3

2020.          Comment informatiser une photothèque. Paris, 1984. TR1


German / allemand


2021.          DOBRUSSKIN, Sebastian. “Bestandserhaltung fotografischer Sammlungen”. Museum­smagazin 6 (1992): 8-15. D1

2022.          BANIK, Gerhard. “Die zweite Dimension der Bestandserhaltung in Bibliothe­ken und Archiven”. Das Audiovisuelle Archiv. Informationsblatt der Arbeits­gemein­schaft audiovisueller Archive Österreichs. Heft 23/24, 1988. D1


Russian / russe


2023.          Gedrovich, F.A.(Кобелькова Л.А.). Справочно-информационные издания о составе и содержании кинофотофонодокументов: аналитический обзор. М., 1991. (3 п.л.). RU

2024.          Gedrovich, F.A.(Кобелькова Л.А.). Подготовка справочно-информационныхизданий о кинофото-фонодокументах Государственного архивного фонда СССР: Методические рекомендации. М., 1991. (3,5 п.л.). RU


Bulgarian / bulgare


2025.          POPSAVOVA, Dora (Попсавова, Дора). Фотографските снимки като историчесски извори (Les photographies en tant que sources historiques). Народна библиотека “Кирил и Методий”. 1984. София. BG


Chinese / chinois


2026.          CHEN, Zhiwei. “Zhao Pian Dang An De Bao Hu Yao Kao Lu Zai Ti Te Dian” (Considering the Distinguishing Features of Media: Preservation of Photographic Records). Bei Jing Dang An (Beijing Archive)3(1995). CN


Italian / italien


2027.          REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA. La fotografia. Manuale di catalogazione, ed. by Giuseppina BENASSA­TI, introduction by Marina MIRAGLIA. Bolog­na, 1990. I

2028.          ORTOLEVA, Peppino. “La fotografia”. In: Il mondo contemporaneo, X, Gli strumen­ti storici della ricerca, II, Questioni di metodo. Firenze, 1983, pp.11­22-1154. I


Polish / polonais


2029.          Karczowa, Helena. Rozwój form kancelaryjnych i współczesne rodzaje dokumentów archiwalnych. Dokumentacja wizualna i archiwalna (Fotografie, Filmy, nagrania). Toruń, 1979. PL6


Portuguese / portugais


2030.          Manual de orientação para preservação de acervos fo­tográfi­cos. Belo Horizon­te, Fundação João Pinheiro, 1985. BR3


Romanian / roumain


2031.          BOBULESCU, Grazziela. “Calculatorul, instrument de lucru în transpunerea bazelor de date privind microfilmele de asigurare şi arhivele tehnice”. R.A. nr.1 (1996): 37-39. RO

2032.          BOBULESCU, Grazziela; DUŢĂ, Victor. “Fotografia - un limbaj al epocii moderne”. R.A. nr.1 (1992): 89-92. RO