English / anglais
1711. WEST, John. Village Records. 3rd ed. Chichester : Phillimore, 1997. GB1, GB2
1712. STEPHENS, W.B. Sources for English Local History. Chichester: Phillimore, 1994. GB1, GB6
1713. STUART, Denis. Manorial Records: an introduction to their transcription and translation. 1992. GB2
1714. RAYMOND. Next Steps Up From the Basement [Gloucester], parts I and II (August and December 1991). USA5
1715. DEARSTYNE, Bruce W. The Management of Local Government Records: A Guide for Local Officials. American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, 1988. USA5
1716. ARNOLD, Robert W. III. “The Albany Answer: Pragmatic and Tactical Considerations in Local Records”. AA 51 (1988): 475-479. USA5
1717. DALY, John. “State Archives and Metropolitan Records: Chicago”. AA 51 (1988): 470-474. USA5
1718. RIDEN, P. Record Sources for Local History. London, 1987. GB1
1719. WEST, John. Town records. Chichester, 1983. GB1
1720. COX, Richard J. “Plight of American Municipal Archives: Baltimore”. AA 42 (1979): 281-292. USA5
1721. RAYMOND and O'TOOLE. “Up From the Basement: Archives, History and Public Administration”. Georgia Archive 6/2 (1978): 18-32. USA5
1722. REDSTONE, L.J. & F.W. STEER. (eds.). Local Records: Their Nature and Care. London, 1953. GB1, GB2
1723. DUFFY. State of the City's Records: Report on Boston. USA5
French / français
1724. Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale & Direction des Archives de France. Les archives des petites communes, guide de conservation. 1995. F5
1725. “ Archives municipales et patrimoine industriel ”. Gazette des archives numéro spécial (1er trimestre 1995). F3
1726. Archives municipales et animation culturelle. Actes du symposium de la section des archivistes communaux de l'Association des Archivistes Français. Gazette des Archives. Paris, 1993. F3
1727. Intruction pour le tri et la conservation aux archives communales des documents postérieurs à 1982 produits par les services et établissements publics des communes. Direction des Archives de France, Paris, 1993. F2
1728. NOEL, Ginette. “Les archives municipales au Québec”. Archives vol.24, Nr.1-2 (1992): 243-262. CDN2
1729. Les archives des communes. Réglementation, conservation, communication. Paris, 1991. F2, F5
1730. “Les archives régionales”. dans Les nouvelles archives: formation et collecte. Actes du XXXe Congrès national des archivistes français, Paris, (1990): 9-20. F3
1731. Thesaurus, W. Vocabulaire normalisé pour la description et l'indexation des archives administratives locales contemporaines. 2e éd., 1989. F2, F5
German / allemand
1732. WAGNER, Ulrich; Wolfram BAER; Hans-Joachim HECKER (Hg.). Kommunale Archive in Bayern. Würzburg, 1993. D2
1733. BICKELMANN, Hartmut. “Entstehung und gegenwärtige Struktur des kommunalen Archivwesens in Schleswig-Holstein”. Der Archivar 43, 1990. Sp.117 ff. D1
Spanish / espagnol
1734. CRUZ MUNDET, José Ramón. Achivos Municipales de Euskai. Manual de Organización.Bilbao, 1996. CR
1735. Grupo de Archiveros Municipales de Madrid. Tipología Documental Municipal 2. Ayuntamiento, 1992. P4
1736. Grupo de Trabajo de Archiveros Municipales de Castilla-La Mancha. Cuadro de Organización de Fondos de Archivos Municipales. Toledo, 1988. E4
1737. Grupo de Archiveros Municipales de Madrid. Manual de Tipología Documental de los Municipios. Madrid, 1986. P4
1738. CORTÉS ALONSO, Vicenta. Manual de Archivos Municipales. Madrid, 1982. E6, P2, P4
Chinese / chinois
1739. ZHANG, Xinchang; ZHENG, Wen. “Min Zu Dang An Xue Chu Yi:Tezheng Yu Ren Wu (Characteristic and Tasks of National Archives)”. Si Xing Zhan Xian (Thinking Front) 1(1998). CN
1740. The General Office of the Ministry of Construction. Zhong Guo Cheng Jian Dang An Shi Ye (The Undertaking of Chinese Urban Construction Archives). Beijing, 1995. CN
1741. LIU, Jupu. Cheng Jian Dang An Guan Li De Li Lun Yu Shi Jian (Theories and Practice of Management of Urban Construction Archives). Beijing, 1994. CN
Italian / italien
1742. REGIONE LOMBARDIA. Guida operativa per l'ordinamento e l'inventariazione degli archivi storici degli enti locali. Milano, 1992. I
1743. Il computer in archivio. L'automazione degli archivi storici di enti locali (Seminario di San Miniato 8-9 giugno 1989). San Miniato, 1990. I
1744. ANTONIELLA, Augusto. L'archivio comunale postunitario. Firenze, 1979. I
Japanese / japonais
1745. Saitama Prefecture Society for the Preservation and Use of Local Archives, ed. Chiiki Monjokan no Setsuritsu ni mukete 5: Chiiki Shiryo no Kensaku to Katsuyo (Towards the Foundation of Local Community Archives No.5: Retrieval and Use of Local Archives). Urawa, 1998. J1
1746. TSUJIKAWA, Atsushi. “Chiiki Shakai ni Okeru Monjokan Jigyo no Yakuwari: Jidai no Niizu, Seisakuteki Ichizuke” (The Impact of Archival Enterprises on Local Communities). Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 5 (1994): 4-12. J1
1747. Saitama Prefecture Society for the Preservation and Use of Local Archives, ed. Chiiki Monjokan no Setsuritsu ni mukete 4: Chiiki Shiryo no Hozon to Kanri (Towards the Foundation of Local Community Archives No.4: Preservation and Management of Local Archives). Urawa, 1994. J1
1748. TOJIMA, Akira. “Chiho Jichitai no Kiroku wo Do Nokosuka: Monjokan e no Suteppu” (Keeping Records of Local Autonomies: A Step to an Archive Office). Kiroku to Shiryo (Records and Archives) 3 (1992): 5-11. J1
1749. ENDO, Tadashi, “Chiiki Monjokan no Kino” (Functions of Local Community Archives). Yashio Shi-shi Kenkyu (History of Yashio City) 10. (1991): 97-113. J1
1750. TAKANO, Osamu. “Chiiki Shakai to Monjokan” (Local Community and Archives). Fujisawa City Archives Bulletin 13 (1990): 1-92. J1
1751. ENDO, Tadashi. “Shokibo Jichitai no Chiiki Monjokan” (Local Community Archives of Small Local Autonomies). Chihoshi Kenkyu (Local History) 225 (1990): 60-66. J1
1752. Saitama Prefecture Society for the History of Local Governments, ed. Chiiki Monjokan no Setsuritsu ni mukete (Towards the Foundation of Local Community Archives). Urawa, 1987. J1
Polish / polonais
1753. Robótka, Halina. Kancelaria urzędów administracji państwowej II Rzeczypospolitej. Toruń, 1993. PL7
1754. Chmielewski, Zdzisław. Procesy aktotwórcze w polskich urzędach miejskich 1918-1939. (Ed.) Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Szczecin, 1983. PL6
1755. Stelmach, M. Kancelaria pruskich urzędów administracji państwowej na przykładzie rejencji w l. 1808-1945. Szczecin, 1981. PL7
1756. Ciesielska, K. Ustrój i organizacja władz i kancelarii miasta Torunia w l. 1793-1919. Warszawa, 1972. PL7
1757. Stankowa, M. Kancelaria miasta Lublina XIX-XVIII w. Warszawa, 1968. PL7
1758. Friedberg, M. “Kancelaria miasta Krakowa do połowy XVIII w”. Archeion t.24 (1955). PL7
Portuguese / portugais
1759. ALCÂNTARA, Divaldo. Manuais de arquivos municipais, Arquivo Público do Estado da Bahia, Salvador, 1998. BR5
1760. CAMARGO, Ana Maria; MACHADO, Helena Correira. Arquivos municipais. Secretaria de Estado da Cultura / Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros, São Paulo, 1996. BR4
1761. RIBEIRO, Fernanda. “Os Arquivos municipais portugueses : considerações em torno de um inquérito”. Cadernos de Estudos Municipais. Braga. ISSN 0872-6884. 2/3 (Nov. 1994/Maio 1995): 11-42. P4
1762. REAL, Manuel Luís, et al. Arquivística e Documentação de História Local. (Sep. de: Actas do 1° Congresso Nacional de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, vol.1). Porto, 1986. P4
Romanian / roumain
1763. NUSSBÄCHER, Gernot. “Arhiva braşoveană la 5200 de ani (1476-1996)”. Gazeta de Transilvania. 1996. Braşov. RO
1764. PETRIŞOR, Melania. “Fondul Consiliului Naţional Săsesc”. R.A. vol.I 1-2 (1995): 73-75. Cluj. RO
1765. NUSSBÄCHER, Gernot. “Contribuţii la istoricul arhivei oraşului Sighişoara în secolul XVIII”. Din istoria arhivelor ardelene, 75 de ani de la înfiinţarea Arhivelor Statului Cluj. (1995): 137-144. Cluj. RO
1766. IRIMESCU, Gavril. “Prefectura judeţului Rădăuţi”. R.A. nr.2 (1995): 195-212. RO
1767. APAN, Mihai. “Cosideraţii privind valoarea istorico-documentară a actelor create de către fostele Comisii Populare Comunale”. R.A. nr.4 (1994): 344-346. RO
1768. ADAMACHE, Adrian. “Principiul patrimoniului arhivistic local”. BIDA An III nr.5 (1994): 5-6. Bucureşti. RO
1769. NUSSBÄCHER, Gernot. “Arhiva oraşului Braşov la sfârşitul secolului al XVIII-lea”. R.A. nr.1 (1993): 43-51. RO
1770. MOCANU, Radu Marin; SAMUILĂ, Rodica; TĂNASE, Tiberiu. “Situaţia arhivelor tehnice aflate la creatori”. BIDA nr.1 (1993): 20-23. Bucureşti. RO
1771. GRAMA, Ana. “Destinul dramatic al unei arhive sibiene”. R.A. nr.1 (1993): 29-33. RO
1772. CERGHEDEAN, Mihai. “Câteva observaţii privind constituirea şi delimitarea fondurilor arhivistice create de instituţii ale administraţiei locale”. R. A. nr.2 (1993): 147-155. RO
1773. TIMBUS, Mircea. “Arhivele arădene - izvoare ale cunoaşterii istorice”. R.A. nr.1 (1991): 20-125. RO
1774. TEMCIUC, Alexandru. “Consiliul Municipal al oraşului Focşani - Moldova”. R.A. nr.4 (1989): 399-403. RO
1775. LAVORSCHI, Gheorghe. “F.A.S. BRĂILA”. R.A. nr.4 (1989): 395. RO
1776. CĂPÂLNEAN, Vasile; SABĂU, Ioan. “Din experienţa muncii de arhivă a Consiliilor Populare maramureşene”. R.A. nr.1 (1989): 5-51. RO
1777. CACIORA, Andrei. “Fondarea documentelor create de către organele teritoriale ale administraţiei de stat”. R.A. nr.2 (1987): 195-196. RO
1778. NUSSBÄCHER, Gernot. “Fünfhundert Jahre Kronstädter Archiv”. Aus Urkunden und Chroniken II. Band, Edit. Kriterion, (1985): 151-156. Bucureşţi. RO
1779. CIUCĂ, Elena. “Din experienţa Filialei Arhivelor Statului Municipiului Bucureşti pe linia de îndrumare şi control la arhivele B.D.S.”. R.A. nr.4 (1985): 389-399. RO
Slovenian / slovène
1780. ŽONTAR, Jože. “Arhivi”. EnciklopedijaSlovenijeI. Ljubljana, 1978. SLO